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Cohesity is a platform focused on managing and consolidating secondary programs. Backup and storage configuration programs allow for an IT administrator to easily focus on the needs of the customer. 

Founded in 2013, Cohesity has built a strong suite of products, including DataProtect, and DataPlatform. 


In this Build Day, we will be doing day one installation of DataPlatform and DataProtect. We will go over the hardware to set up simplified management tools (on premises, and virtually), and set up a basic architecture (time permitting)

Cohesity DataPlatform

Cohesity DataProtect

Host, Master Builder

Alastair Cook

Host, Master Builder

The Crew

Many people help in the creation of Build Day Live.

These are a few key players you will see in the videos.


Chief Video Producer

Jeffrey Powers

Chief Video Producer

Yesterday, we posted a new video on the new Lenovo ST45 with AMD EPYC 4004 inside (at YouTube / BuildDayLive). Here is David Weber explaining the security of the 4004 within the L3 cache. ...

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Happy 2023 Everyone! Hope you`re having a great one! #NewYear #2023 ...

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Joined on Tech Field Day panel learning about Juniper Networks and AI Driven Enterprise.
#networking #NFD24 #technology #discussion

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Get ready for episode 1 of Build Day TV...
#bdtv #buildday #newshow #premiere

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