Build Day TV – AWS Networking Basics

The Build Day Live team is proud to bring you a new format; Build Day TV. We are starting this month to publish regular video content to help you learn about IT products and platforms.
Travel restrictions mean that we are unable to make Build Day Live events, so we have a new format for a new time. Build Day TV episodes will publish at the same time every week, with multiple episodes making up a series on a particular topic.
First Series: AWS
The first series is covering AWS network design basics. We expect a few more series covering different vendor products. You can watch the videos when the premier on YouTube or catch up later, also on YouTube. You can also join a conversation on the Build Day Live subreddit, we will link Build Day videos into the subreddit and would love to hear from you. Ask questions about the topics we cover in the videos or suggest topics you would like us to cover. You can even suggest companies with useful products that we should cover.
Episodes will be premiered on the Build Day Live YouTube channel on Sundays at 4 PM US Eastern time, 1 PM Pacific, 9 PM London, and 8 AM here in New Zealand.

Upcoming Schedule
We are starting with me covering some basic network design principles on AWS. Here is our first month’s schedule (the date has a link to a time zone site for your local time):
Sunday 21 June – AWS VPC Networking basics – VPC Fundamentals
Sunday 28 June – AWS VPC Networking basics – Firewalls – Security Groups and NACLs
Sunday 5 July – AWS VPC Networking basics – Load Balancers
Sunday 12 July – AWS VPC Networking basics – Multiple Availability Zones for Redundancy